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ex John Cianciulli (cianciullite)

Description Tabs

Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex County, New Jersey, United States of America
Crystals on Matrix
Size Range: 
Small cabinet (7-10 cm)
7 × 6 × 5 cm
Largest Crystal: 

Scorodite is a very rare mineral at the Sterling Mine. This is an outstanding specimen for the locality, even though most crystals are selectively encrusted (probably by calcite). The scorodite was identified via optics by John Cianciulli (cianciuliite), then curator of the Franklin Mineral Museum. The specimen is (probably) from the 340’ level of the mine.

If you are used to the blue crystals from the Drakelands Mine (formerly Hemredon Bal) and elsewhere, the yellow color may be surprising. But according to Pete Dunn, “Franklin and Sterling Hill, New Jesey: ...”, p. 682,  scorodite “occurs with pharmacosiderite on the 340 level. The light-yellow crystals are less than 1 mm in size and resemble in habit those from Djebel Debar in Algeria.”

Unfortunately, the only scorodite photos from Djebel Debar on Mindat are of stalactites, so I cannot attest that these crystals are, indeed, similar. (There are no photos or diagrams of scorodite in Dunn’s monograph.) However I can state that many of the crystals on this specimen are nearly 2 mm in size.

The first pair of photos (FOV 4.4 x 6.1 mm) shows selectively encrusted crystals to 1.8+ mm from the smaller of two areas with good crystals. Each crystal has a clear “window” that lets you look into the gemmy interior.

The next pair of photos is a broader view (ca 10 x 15 mm) of most of the other area with good crystals.

The third pair of photos (FOV 4.1 x 4.3 mm) is a close-up of the crystals shown at the top in the previous pair of macro photos.

The fourth pair of photos (FOV 4.2 x 6.6 mm) is a close-up of the crystals at bottom left in the macro photos. Most of these crystals are heavily encrusted, but one crystal does have a clear “window”. There are un-encrusted crystals just to the right of these. They are out of view here, but can be seen in the macro photos.

You can see all  but the full-view photo as stereo images under Mindat minID LLE-Q3D.

There are other areas with scorodite on the specimen, but the crystals are either completely encrusted or partial. But some of the broken crystals have a beautiful, golden-yellow, gemmy interior.

Note: This is a “significant” specimen of scorodite for the Sterling Mine, but it isn’t very attractive as a “cabinet” item. It comes with a handwritten note on a scruffy index card: “Special unknown yellow xls probably from 340’ L Sterling”. As noted, the scorodite was subsequently identified by John Cianciulli.

This is a fairly heavy item. Single item (no case) shipping weight 14.2 oz (400 g). For shipments within the USA, I will use “own box” Priority Mail ($8.50). This rate is good up to 16 oz. If total weight exceeds 16 oz, the rate will be $13.

For shipments outside the USA, up to a total weight of 32 oz (900 g), this could be combined with other items from this or future auctions for the same postage. If you wish to keep an “open box”, let me know. However, I don’t recommend combining this with more than a few other items. 

Mineral Data
What's on the rock


Crystal System: 
3.5 - 4.0
Type Locality: 
Stamm Asser Mine, Graul, Langenberg, Schwarzenberg District, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany
LMB minerals

Seller Information

Payment options: offline, paypal_wpp, paypal_wps

Seller's terms and conditions

In addition to the standard terms and conditions, please note the following. Almost all IDs are visual. While in most cases the ID is obvious, there may be cases where it is not. If you are doubtful about a particular ID, please ask for more information. Or do not bid! Similarly, if you are not sure that the specimen meets your criteria, do not bid. I have tdone the best I can with the photos. Nevertheless, if you are not happy with a specimen for any reason, I will refund the bid price – but not the shipping costs (unless the fault is clearly mine) – if the specimen is returned. This policy applies even if analysis of the specimen shows that my ID was incorrect. When in doubt, ask - or don’t bid. Note that most crystals at MSH and Varennes are micros - even if on large specimens. Please pay attention to the stated sizes. Any customs duties, fees etc. are the responsibility of the buyer.