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Minerals-Online - Historic XLIV: 31 Jan - 07 Feb 2024

Minerals-Online - Historic XLIV: 31 Jan - 07 Feb 2024

Start: 31/01/2024 18:30 GMT   End: 07/02/2024 22:50 GMT

Dear Friends,

Here is a new historic auction featuring 50 fine specimens: Worldwide classics, as usual with some beautiful old labels and rare localities, and also some historically important 19th century specimen – e.g. the silver specimen from Kolywan and the serpentine var. lizardite ps. olivine with Adanson label - are not missing. This time you can find again a lot of type locales and localities of first historic description for: Allanite var pyrothite, ulexite, diopside, goslarite, hardystonite, petalite, cryolite and spodumene, plus some oddities like the montmorillonite from Malta, the ‘Borocalcite’ from Chile and the ‘Schaumkalk’ from Germany.

Enjoy and don’t hesitate to ask if there are any questions.
