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Minerals-Online Historic XXVI: 29 May - 05 Jun 2019

Minerals-Online Historic XXVI: 29 May - 05 Jun 2019

Start: 29/05/2019 18:30 BST   End: 05/06/2019 22:40 BST

Here is a new historic auction for you, featuring 50 fine specimens: Worldwide classics, as usual with beautiful old labels (this time with a bundle of 19th century specimen), type localities (Zunyite, Pucherite, Datolite, Rutile etc.), plus some super-rare localities like Taiwan and Antarctica. Some oddities and important historic specimen are not missing.

Please enjoy and don’t hesitate to ask if there are any questions.

A personal handover of specimens on the St. Marie show can be arranged.

This is the last auction ahead of the summer break, next one will come predictably in mid september.

