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Ree Adamite & Smithsonite


Ree Adamite & Smithsonite

Classic Locality

Description Tabs

Hilarion Mine, Hilarion, Kamariza, Agios Konstantinos, Lavrion District, Attiki Prefecture, Greece
Size Range: 
Thumbnail (1-3cm)
1.4 × 0.8 × 0.8 cm

This amazing color and sparkle drove me crazy at the first glance I took! Analysis showed rare earth element content, mainly Cerium in specimens with color like that. It is the best blue-green color I have seen in adamite. The sparkle on the piece is also great and the smithsonite botryoids atop of the adamite are an added bonus. Quality material from the November 2014 find that surprised us all! Please note that similar pieces have appeared here. Pay maximum attention to the luster because zero luster and no evidence of crystals or clear botryoidal structure may mean that you are looking at a mass, or acid-treated specimen!! I had the luck to pick the pieces, first before any other dealer! Unfortunately, I am now running out of specimens and this excellent material will be gone for good!
Although small, this piece has a breathtaking color, sparkle and contrast, and is an excellent little example of the material!

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