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  • 26 Aug, 2017
    Mark Wrigley (Admin)
    It is always interesting when a seller messages me because a mineral isn't listed on our main database. Jason Boyd Smith, AKA Bucket of Holes made such a request for the mineral "Schmidite" yesterday. Sure enough it was not...
  • 24 Aug, 2017
    Mark Wrigley (Admin)
    This old label and specimen came to light the other day when we were moving some boxes around in the TVM store room. Mineralhaus Droop was based in Dresden and this label has an uncertain age but likely to date from later in...
  • 23 Aug, 2017
    Mark Wrigley (Admin)
    Nearly 3 years ago now, we checked out and invested in "spin" technology for capturing 360 degree presentation of minerals. The concept is simple, you set your mineral centre on a turntable and then control the movement of...
  • 06 May, 2017
    Mark Wrigley (Admin)
    A few days ago an anonymous user from Germany made e-Rocks history by being the 10,000th registered user to sign up to our site. As ever, we would like to thank "anonymous" and all our growing ranks of visitors both old and...
  • 31 Mar, 2017
    Mark Wrigley (Admin)
    Our man of action George (and partner Sam) have had a busy few months getting themselves organised for a house move. Today finally it is the big day and everything is set to move into the new place. Of course we are all...
  • 16 Feb, 2017
    Mark Wrigley (Admin)
    There has been a sensational recent find of fluorite in Connemara, County Galway, in the Republic of Ireland. TVM has been given exclusive access to the locality and has been given first refusal to the material released by...
  • 08 Feb, 2017
    Mark Wrigley (Admin)
    Back in February 2003 Pezzottaite was big news at Tucson show. At the time it was a hot new discovery, still an unnamed mineral and the sort of new thing Tucson show thrives on. These were originally brought to Tucson by...
  • 31 Jan, 2017
    Mark Wrigley (Admin)
    Our technical department at e-Rocks (AKA my wife and George) have been on at me for some time to get a decent mobile phone as I am usually hard to track down when offline. Coupled with this we have a mobile version of the...
  • 30 Jan, 2017
    Mark Wrigley (Admin)
    Burn's Night comes along every year and is mostly a Scottish based celebration of the poet Robbie Burns, so I try to get some "haggis neeps and tatties" in my diet during this time. It also serves to remind us that another e...
  • 27 Jan, 2017
    Mark Wrigley (Admin)
    Last week I took a few days out to visit some favourite old haunts up in Weardale. I have always loved the place and the mining and mineral heritage have created an enduring strange feeling of home from home when ever I...
  • 25 Jan, 2017
    Mark Wrigley (Admin)
    Was happy to see a nice post from Marc Allen Fleischer of the Fleischer Museum on Facebook the other day. Mark had recently purchased and received the above Megiliggar apatite from TVM. This is his post, "You don’t expect...
  • 17 Jan, 2017
    Mark Wrigley (Admin)
    It was in August last year that we reported the our page on Facebook had reached 8,000 likes, well now we have risen to the 10,000 mark. We continue to use our page to provide our Facebook followers a daily snapshot of the e...
